(a) 心理学、臨床心理学などと関連するもの(クリックすれば簡単な内容があらわれます。)

Czerniecki, Krystian Mare, The rhetoric of melancholy : Shakespeare, Racine, Kleist, (1991). 富山大学図書館請求番号902.2||C99||Rh(以下同様)

Lezra, Jacques, Icarus reading: trope, trauma, and event in Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Descartes, (1990). 902||L59||Ic

Feak, Marcus David, Aspects of Kleinian Life Span Psychology, (1995). MF||189||7

Porterfield, Sally F., Inner players: a Jungian reading of Shakespeare's problem plays, (1992). 932||Sh||Po

Datta, Pradip Kumar, The role of the good counselor in selected Shakespearean Tragedies, (1991). 930.28||Sh||Dat

Favila, M. C., Magical thinking in Shakespeare's tragedies, (1995). MF||189||52

Evans, Christopher W., Determined to Prove a Villain: A Reexamination of Shakespeare's Duke of Gloucester, (1995). MF||189||14

Janes, Nanette Hazel, Nurturing Process and the Creation and Stabilization of Self in Selected Workes of Shakespeare, (1995). MF||189||34